Rethink your new year’s resolutions with Jay Shetty

Join Jay Shetty for this accelerated journey toward the person you want to be. In just 3 minutes a day, Jay teaches you the skills of presence, calm and confidence.

Every New Year’s, a seasonal source of stress pops back into our lives: resolutions. While goals are great, a lot of the time, resolutions can create anxiety and set us up for failure. This year, we invite you to try something different: Instead of goal setting, try growth setting.

Join Jay Shetty for his new 7-day series on growth setting, and explore how this new approach can be more effective in becoming the best version of you. In one week, we’re gonna kickstart your growth. You’ll have a whole new toolkit, and some momentum heading into 2024.


Goals vs. Growth

What’s the difference between goals and growth? Goals are outcomes, like  launching a business, finding a relationship, or earning a degree. And goals are really useful. But what are the qualities and attributes that are going to help you achieve them? 

How about patience, focus, and resilience? That’s growth. To quote Jay:

“Goals are about what you want to do in this world. Growth is about who you’re going to be in this life.”

When you focus on growth, hitting your goal becomes inevitable. 

7 Days of Growth Setting

In his new video series on Calm, Jay explores the topic of growth setting, and how it can be a mindful – and effective – way of achieving your goals and doing the things you want to do with your life. 

Each day, you’ll watch a new 3-minute video and learn a new skill. It’s like having Jay as your personal coach for a week. Here’s a breakdown of the 7 new skills you’ll be learning: 

  • The skill of presence: A simple yet powerful tool to harness your attention in any moment 

  • Shift your mindset: See the immediate impact of Jay’s 3-step gratitude practice

  • Setting daily intentions: Learn the habit of being intentional in everyday interactions 

  • How to soften your emotions: Jay reveals the key to softening intense emotions 

  • Letting go of control: Try this 2-minute process to release control and respond wisely 

  • Reframing your self-talk: An easy technique to create a healthier relationship with yourself 

  • Lowering your stress level: A quick sensory practice 

We know you’ll enjoy this new series, and we hope it helps to build a foundation for your year and momentum heading into 2024.

And if you’re inspired to keep this going, you can join Jay Shetty for The Daily Jay, which is a 7-minute daily session on Calm. We keep it fresh with a new story and a short mindfulness exercise every day. We hope you’ll try it.


Calm your mind. Change your life.

Mental health is hard. Getting support doesn't have to be. The Calm app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. 

Images: Getty


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