Calm questionnaire: explorer Kellee Edwards 

Travel Channel host Kellee Edwards is many things: a licensed pilot, scuba diver, podcast host, and intrepid explorer. But she also knows a thing or two about gratitude and relaxation. 

In our new series The Spark, Kellee discusses her hard-won journey to becoming a travel expert—and how putting herself in new situations shaped her worldview. We now take some extra time to learn a bit more about Kellee:

Desert island staples? Fishing line, Leatherman multipurpose tool, fire-starter, and a mirror—so I can reflect and signal when an airplane possibly flies overhead or a ship passes by for a chance at being rescued.

Beach, mountain, or city? Mountain. 

Pick a superpower: invisibility, relocating at the snap of a finger, or the ability to fly. Well, I’m a pilot so I can fly already. I’d pick relocate at the snap of a finger! I’d be on a constant world tour—I might even snap myself on the moon really quick so I can see Earth from there! 

The stamp on my passport I love the most, and why: It’s actually the one I did not get—from my visit to Israel. That was one of the most incredible trips of my life: I did a cross-country road trip from Tel Aviv all the way down to [Southern resort town] Eilat. But because of my extensive travels around the world, if I were to get the Israeli stamp on my passport, I wouldn’t have been able to enter certain Middle Eastern countries, which I desired to still do. 

My bucket list trip is: Antarctica. 

There’s lots of good travel inspiration on Instagram. Who are your must-follows? @Glographics, @simplycyn, @spiritedpursuit, @asiyami_gold, @passportheavy, @travelandleisure, and @nickpescetto

Any must-listen podcasts? Yes, my podcast Lets’ Go Together by Travel & Leisure magazine. We amplify diverse and often overlooked voices who have faced adversity—sharing their beautiful and enlightening experiences in the world. 

What’s on heavy rotation when it comes to music? Anything R&B. 

The one thing that automatically relaxes is: Tea. 

What is one activity you find meditative? Hiking. 

Pajama sets or old T-shirt? Neither.

My sleep ritual involves: A cup of tea every night before I go to bed. 

Happiness to me is: Peace and quiet, if only for a moment. 

A motto I live by: It’s a tie between “everything you want is on the other side of fear” and “life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” 

Who is one historical figure you admire? Bessie Coleman, the first African American woman to obtain her pilot’s license in 1921. Because of her race, no one would teach her to fly in the United States. So she learned to speak French in Chicago and traveled all the way to France to learn how to fly. If that’s not resilience and determination, I don’t know what is! 

Tune in to The Spark every Monday and Wednesday for more inspiration.


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