Know and honor your needs.

Tip # 10 for the holiday season: Know and honor your needs.

‘Tis the season to be generous, but at what cost? If we don’t honor our own needs and take the initiative to create boundaries for ourselves, resentment arises and that doesn’t serve anyone. How would it feel to trust that you know what’s right and best for you? Perhaps what’s necessary is to realize that sometimes when we say no to others, we’re saying yes to ourselves, and that is an act of self-care. Of course, it can be complicated when we’re spending more time with family, friends, and co-workers. For example, we might want to show up for our family but get really drained as everyone gathers around the television to watch the football game. What if you watched the first quarter and the last quarter and went for a walk in between? Spending within your means is another way to honor your needs. How might you show your dear ones that you care for them without going into debt? Throughout the holidays, lean in to your creativity and consider ways you can be generous with others while still taking care of yourself.

Here’s how the Calm team takes care of their needs:

Christi-an: Every year on Christmas day, I take a yoga class at noon. It means that I can still be there to open presents with the little ones in the morning and hang out with the family for most of the day. That little bit of me-time goes a long way.

Jade: I am honest about my need to take some space, whether that’s a walk or 10 minutes to meditate at some point during the day in order to care for myself. It’s a great way to have gratitude for the family or friends I am with for an extended period, and making sure I have the energy to be present and really connect with them. I also notice when I might be getting caught up in the urge to spend, something which can happen to all of us, which can cause a lot of stress.

The Calm Holiday Journal is a mix of practical mindfulness tips and contemplation prompts, and how you use it is up to you.


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