How inspirational company leaders are navigating COVID-19

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As the COVID-19 lockdown continues, many industries are forced to pivot to new models in order to survive.

Some look to add new features, while others opt for completely new strategies or products, all while trying to lead their team through unprecedented times. In our audio series, Calm Together Conversations, we spoke to two inspirational leaders who are navigating the situation with creativity, grace, and most importantly—optimism.

Iron Fish Distillery in Thompsonville, Michigan is one company embracing a completely new model. Prior to the pandemic, the distillery was known for producing small-batch gin, whiskey and rum. But now the distillery has accepted a wholly different mission: producing hundreds of gallons of urgently needed hand sanitizer.

Calm spoke with Sarah Anderson, co-owner of Iron Fish Distillery, about how her new venture is bringing the community together.

Meanwhile, Barry’s is one of thousands of gym brands forced to shut its doors and lay off a significant portion of its workforce.

In response, the company now offers free at-home workouts to help people stay active and healthy in their own living room. Of course, it’s been anything but easy for Barry’s CEO Joey Gonzalez, who has managed the unexpected crisis with humanity and hope.

We chatted with Joey about what this experience has been like for him and how he’s looking for the silver lining.

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