How to get motivated: 10 ways to motivate yourself

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

When you lack motivation, it can be difficult to accomplish anything. Boost your motivation with these 10 tips (that don't require too much effort)

We all have those moments where the drive to get up and go just isn't there. Maybe it's a gloomy Monday morning, or you’re going through a rough patch that's draining your energy. The good news is that motivation isn’t a fixed trait—you can get it back, nurture it, and grow it. Understanding how to become motivated can help you make energetic, purposeful days a more regular occurrence in your life.


What is motivation?

Motivation is the driving force that pushes us to do things, big or small. It’s what pulls you out of bed early in the morning to exercise or keeps you awake late at night to finish a project. It’s the fuel for our daily actions and long-term goals. 

With motivation comes the willingness and energy to complete what you start. It keeps you going when things get tough. On the other hand, a lack of motivation can feel like you’re stuck—trying to move forward but going nowhere.

Motivation has two main types:

Intrinsic motivation comes from within you. It’s when you do something because it feels good or rewarding to you personally, like reading a book because you enjoy it. 

Extrinsic motivation comes from outside or external rewards like being motivated to get a good grade on a test but not motivated to actually learn the material.

Why is motivation important?

Motivation can help you lead a balanced, productive, and satisfying life. It can propel you toward achieving your desires and enrich your life experience. The importance of motivation extends far beyond the momentary burst of energy—it’s about crafting a life filled with achievements, satisfaction, and resilience.

Motivation helps you achieve your goals

Motivation can help you set and achieve goals, big or small. Whether it’s a goal to wake up earlier, acing an exam, or getting a promotion at work, motivation is the energy that keeps you moving toward your aspirations and resolutions.

Motivation increases productivity and performance

Motivation can amplify your productivity. Being motivated can enhance your performance by promoting a proactive attitude, enabling you to meet deadlines, and go the extra mile.

Motivation enhances your wellbeing and resilience

When you’re motivated, you’re more likely to engage in activities that nourish your mind and body. Plus, motivation fosters resilience. It can help you try again with renewed vigor, even after a setback.


5 reasons you might lack motivation

Understanding the barriers to motivation is the first step in overcoming them. Recognizing common reasons why your motivation might take a dip can help you find a solution to get back on track.

  1. Fear of failure: The fear of not succeeding can be paralyzing. Worrying about what will happen if things don’t go as planned can cast a long shadow over your motivation, making the journey toward your goals appear more intimidating.

  2. Burnout or poor mental health: Our minds and bodies are interconnected. When you’re feeling mentally or physically tired, anxious, depressed, stressed, burned out, or struggling with other mental health challenges, motivation can plummet. 

  3. Ambiguous or misaligned goals: When your goals are vague or don’t align with your values, the drive to achieve them weakens. It’s essential to have clear, meaningful goals that spark excitement and fit with your core beliefs.

  4. Procrastination: Procrastination is notorious for draining motivation. Unfortunately, the act of delaying or postponing tasks can become a habit. Over time, this habit can lead to a cycle of delaying actions and feeling guilty about it, which, in turn, can be demotivating.

  5. Lack of control or autonomy: Feeling in control of your actions and decisions fosters motivation. Motivation naturally flows when you feel you have a say in what you do and how you do it. On the flip side, feeling powerless or controlled by external circumstances can cause your motivation to drop.


How to motivate yourself in 7 ways

A lack of motivation doesn’t have to be permanent. You can cultivate and enhance your motivation with the right approach for you. Each of these steps can help you foster and maintain motivation. Remember, the journey to get motivated is personal. Whether you’re looking to boost your motivation for work, exercise, or something else entirely, you can tailor these tips to suit your life.

1. Set specific and achievable goals

Adopt the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) technique to define your goals clearly. A clear goal guides you and helps you avoid procrastination and uncertainty. This can help boost your motivation by giving you a clear path to achieving your goals.

💙 Discover The Why Behind Your Goals with Jay Shetty.

2. Create a supportive environment

Surround yourself with people, places, and habits that motivate you. At work, this could mean decluttering your workspace or having a tangible to-do list. Before exercising, a supportive environment might mean having your workout gear ready, finding a workout buddy, or creating a playlist of energizing music to help set the tone.

💙 Nurture your relationships and cultivate a supportive environment for your friends with this meditation on Mindful Friendships.

3. Break down large goals

Divide big goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Setting less intimidating goals means you can appreciate your progress through small steps, and that helps you maintain your motivation toward the bigger picture.

💙 Feeling overwhelmed by this task? Spend a few minutes Checking in with Yourself before you begin.

4. Find sources of inspiration

Seek inspiration from books, podcasts, or people who align with your goals and aspirations. Inspiration can fuel your motivation, making the journey toward your goals feel more exciting and meaningful. Plus when you’re using tools that are used or created by someone you admire it can give you a boost of inspiration.

💙 Set the tone for discovering your Inspiration with Tamara Levitt.

5. Visualize the benefits

Visualizing the benefits of the goal you’d like to achieve can drastically improve your motivation. Before diving into a work project or starting a workout session, for example, take a moment to visualize the benefits you’ll gain. It could be the satisfaction of completing a difficult task, learning a new skill, or moving closer to a goal you’ve been working hard to achieve.  

💙 Embark on this Guided Visualization with Oren Jay Sofer to get clear on the bigger picture.


6. Establish a routine

Create a daily routine to help build (and maintain) momentum throughout your day. A structured day can help cultivate an environment for motivation to thrive.

💙 Learn how Routine and Ritual impact your motivation and can keep you going.

7. Take breaks

Don’t forget to rest. Short breaks can rejuvenate your motivation and energy, especially when you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed. When you make to-do lists or lists of goals, be sure to include taking breaks in there so you don’t stretch yourself too thin.

💙 Check out Calm’s Midday Relaxation Break for the soundtrack to your afternoon recharge.

8. Track your progress

Check in and keep a record of your achievements, no matter how small. At work, this could be a checklist of completed tasks or projects. With exercise, keeping a log of your workouts and how you felt afterward can be motivating and affirming.

9. Celebrate small achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate your small wins along the way. To boost your morale and keep your motivation high, challenge those negative thoughts with evidence of your progress. It could be a small treat, a mental health break, or anything that feels good and rejuvenates you. This positive reinforcement can increase your motivation and make the process more enjoyable.

💙 Practice gratitude for each goal you accomplish in this 7 Days of Gratitude exercise led by Tamara Levitt.

10. Stay accountable

Share your goals with someone you trust. Having someone to share your progress with can provide an extra nudge to stay motivated.


How to get motivated FAQs

What causes a lack of motivation?

Lack of motivation can result from various factors, including a fear of failure, unclear or misaligned goals, burnout, or poor mental health. At other times, ongoing procrastination can lead to a cycle of delay and guilt, which can chip away at your motivation. Understanding these causes is the first step toward addressing and overcoming them.

How do you stay motivated with ADHD?

Staying motivated with ADHD can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it's possible. First, set clear and achievable goals to provide direction and purpose. It's helpful to break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps to reduce overwhelm. Establish a structured routine to help maintain motivation. If it helps, use timers or alarms to keep you focused. Don’t forget to celebrate small achievements, and consider support from a counselor or a support group for valuable insights and encouragement. You might also want to consider meditation for ADHD. It's all about finding what works for you and seeking support when needed.

How do you fix a lack of motivation?

Fixing a lack of motivation begins with understanding the root cause. Once you've identified what's holding you back, you can tailor strategies to overcome these hurdles. Set specific, achievable goals to provide clear direction, and break large goals into manageable tasks to make them less intimidating. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people to boost motivation, and establish a routine with time for breaks to ensure you're not heading toward burnout. 

Remember, it's a process that requires patience and self-compassion. Each step toward addressing the lack of motivation moves you toward a more motivated and fulfilling life.

Calm your mind. Change your life.

Mental health is hard. Getting support doesn't have to be. The Calm app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. 

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