
Tip #22 for the holiday season: Find nourishing ways to connect with others

Indulgence is often encouraged and celebrated during the holiday season. While this can be fun in the moment it can often leave us feeling crappy later. Sometimes we can make space for the not so fun consequences, while other times it might be stressful if you’re hungover when you’re set to meet you new partner’s family for the first time. Cultivating awareness around what the right balance of food and drink is for you can help you to feel your best physically, emotionally, and mentally during this busy time of year.

Some balancing tips from the Calm Team:

Christi-an: I practice being intentional and mindful about what I want to consume so that I feel good today and for days to come. This looks and feels different for everyone, so honor what makes sense for you.

Jade: I find the mindful eating collection really useful in the Calm app for keeping in tune with what my body needs, especially when there is so much food around this time of year! Also, doing a workout either at home or at my local yoga studio keeps my energy levels up when I’m perhaps having a few late nights.

This is Calm Holiday Tip #22 of 31! Check back here tomorrow for another way to create more joy and peace this season!

The Calm Holiday Journal is a mix of practical mindfulness tips and contemplation prompts, and how you use it is up to you.


Beginner's mind

