12 relaxation ideas to reduce stress and anxiety

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA
Discover 12 effective relaxation ideas aimed at reducing stress and nurturing your wellbeing. From deep breathing to water therapy, learn how to really unwind.
In our always-on society, it can sometimes feel impossible to maintain a balanced state of wellbeing. Yet with rising stress levels affecting both our mental health and our bodies, effective self-care practices are essential.
As part of that self-care, it’s so important to make time for activities that are purely for fun, relaxing, and nurturing ourselves. It’s far too common to put these activities on the back burner in favor of continuing the hustle and grind. And when we don’t take time to rejuvenate, our energy levels diminish.
The benefits of relaxation
When it comes to prioritizing your self-care, relaxation should be central. Nobody can be “on” all the time. Aside from offering glorious moments of peace, relaxation techniques can offer many benefits that work to neutralize, and even undo, the negative impacts of stress. Here’s why you should make time for them.
Enhanced mental clarity: It's easy to get lost in the mental clutter. But simple things like deep breathing or meditation can clear the fog and make you more focused and happier.
Less fatigue: Something as simple as a short nap or some easy stretches can shake off that tired feeling and give you a fresh burst of energy.
Reduced anger: Stress can make us lash out and get angry. But methods like body scans and aromatherapy can help you keep a level head, especially when things get tense.
Improved physical health: Being stressed out all the time takes a toll on your body. It can affect your blood pressure, heart rate, and immune system. But chilling out—whether it's cuddling with your pet, sipping some calming tea, or just taking a walk—can make you healthier.
Better quality sleep: The importance of sleep for overall health (physical, mental, and emotional) can't be overstated. A good night's sleep is a game-changer, and winding down before bed with things like guided meditation or calming music can improve your sleep quality. So you wake up ready to tackle whatever the day throws at you.
12 relaxation ideas to help you reduce stress and anxiety
We live in a world that is fast-paced, busy and stressful and there’s simply no way to carry it all on your shoulders day in, day out. Whether you’re dealing with acute stress or chronic stress, it can help to have some tricks in your hip pocket to help you relax. Here are some of our top picks to help you relax, unwind, and prioritize your wellbeing and mental health.
1. Practice deep breathing
Deep breathing is an age-old relaxation technique scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, slow down your heart rate, and reduce stress levels. Whether you choose to do the 4-7-8 technique, diaphragmatic breathing, or just focus on taking slow, deep breaths, you're bound to feel more at ease. Focusing on your breathing can also help to calm your nervous system, offering an easy method to de-stress anywhere, anytime.
💙 Looking for a short two minute breath work practice? Explore Relax with the Breath.
2. Meditate
Meditation offers numerous benefits, from reducing stress to enhancing mental clarity. Even a short 5-minute session can benefit your overall wellbeing.
💙 When it’s time to relax in the evening, try to Unwind with Gratitude. This gentle gratitude meditation helps relax your mind and body.
3. Write in a journal
Journaling serves as a safe space to explore your emotions and thoughts, acting as a therapeutic activity that helps you unwind. Sometimes we don’t want to unload all our thoughts and feelings on our friends, partners, or family. Journaling is a great way to process your feelings on your own time while also implementing quiet reflection
💙 Calm offers 5 different journals that you can download for free.
4. Read a book
There's something inherently relaxing about losing yourself in a good book. You can escape reality for a bit, providing much-needed relief and mental health benefits. It doesn’t have to be an edgy memoir or a classic work of fiction, anything that captures your attention and transports you somewhere else can work wonders on your emotional wellbeing.
5. Take a nap
Sometimes all you need is a short 20-30 minute nap. It can be tough sometimes to turn off the brain and rest during the day but, Sleep Stories are a helpful resource for those who find it challenging to wind down.
💙 Calm has a variety of Sleep Stories you can choose from. Consider winding down for a nap with A Walk in the Connecticut Woods.
6. Learn something new
Engaging in creative activities like coloring, doodling, or even crafting can serve as excellent methods to de-stress and cultivate a sense of accomplishment.
But remember, if you take up a new creative hobby, that it’s meant to be for fun. If you decide to paint a picture or knit a scarf you’re not aiming to make something perfect. The goal should be to participate in an activity that makes you feel relaxed and helps bring down your stress level.
💙 Often times learning a new skill can help your mind move away from the stressful day to day tasks. Check out our Embracing Stillness masterclass.
7. Relax outside
Spending time in nature can be soothing and grounding, especially if you’re feeling stressed. If you have a garden, spend some time there, if there’s a local park or hiking trail that you love, give yourself some time to enjoy it.
A simple walk among trees can help you feel more grounded, drastically reducing stress levels and offering you a mindful break. Take the time to notice the sounds around you, the way the wind moves the trees. You’ll feel relaxed in no time.
💙 Sometimes the only nature we have access to is in the middle of a busy city. Try listening to a soundscape like The Enchanted Moss Garden to give your urban walk a bit more of a nature vibe.
8. Watch the sunset
It might seem silly but making time to see the sun go down every once in a while can be a relaxing and meaningful practice to implement. There is something about the beauty of a setting sun that can help us let go of the day's stresses and prepare for a peaceful evening. Extra bonus points if you catch the full moonrise on the same day.
9. Get a little water therapy
Floating or submerging yourself in water can be so relaxing. If the weather is warm consider going for a swim or float in a natural body of water, or a swimming pool. If the weather is cold, consider taking a relaxing bath. Not only is a warm bath relaxing for the mind, it's also a great way to relax sore muscles.
💙 Don’t have access to the ocean or a pool? Try laying down in a comfortable position and listening to our Coral Reef soundscape. If you’re planning a relaxing bath, consider adding some gentle music like Lake of Stars.
10. Appeal to your senses of taste and smell
Making time to sit and have a cup of tea can be a very relaxing ritual to implement when it’s time to relax. Plus, herbal teas like chamomile or lavender can help you relax and even lower your blood pressure.
Cooking can also be surprisingly therapeutic, not to mention the delight of enjoying something delicious you made yourself. It can also be relaxing to look through a favorite cookbook, or collection of recipes and make something that’s nostalgic or comforting.
11. Move to your favorite music
Moving your body to music you love can instantly lift your spirits and lower stress levels. There’s no pressure to choose a specific type of music. When it’s time to relax, pick your favorite and let yourself enjoy some movement.
💙 We love this nostalgic Disney Peaceful Piano playlist.
12. Connect with your loved ones and pets
Laughter is one of the best ways to relieve stress, so catch up with a friend who makes you laugh. This doesn’t mean you have to go out to dinner or for a night on the town. Invite a friend over for popcorn and a movie, or tea and a biscuit. Any excuse to get together and catch up is time well spent.
Physical touch, like a cuddle, can lower heart rate and promote feelings of safety and comfort. This is also an excellent way to help your kids relax. If you need a hug let someone in your support system know. Cuddling and petting a treasured animal lowers cortisol (the stress hormone) and releases feel-good chemicals like oxytocin.
💙 Looking for guided meditations that support friendships, check out Meaningful Practice for Meaningful Friendship.
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