Take care of your mental health with October's mindful living calendar

October Year of Calm

In honor of World Mental Health Day on October 10th, this month’s calendar explores a variety of ways to build resiliency in today’s changing world.


Download this month's calendar here and sign up below to receive next month's calendar via email.

*Scroll down to find more calendar formats below. 


Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. — Nido Qubein 

Life is full of challenges and the easiest way to make things harder is to resist where we are and to say to ourselves that we should be somewhere else.

Should is a bully of a word. We use it against ourselves and as if that isn’t bad enough, the world does too, mostly through media and advertising. We should be thinner, more stylish, more productive, more organized, more social, more on top of things …

You get the idea. Sadly, it’s these shoulds that contribute to the stigma around mental health struggles, prevent many of us from getting support, and make it difficult for us to reach out and connect with others when we need it most.

The truth is that in some way or another we are all learning how to best take care of our mental health in a world that is constantly competing for our attention. For a variety of reasons, some of us will struggle more than others. Where ever we find ourselves it’s important that we build the support that we need and meet ourselves with respect and compassion.

Repeat after me:

I am important. My mental health is important.


These daily challenges invite you to experiment with different self-care practices so that you can decide which ones best serve your mental wellbeing and overall health.

Here are a few examples:

October 2

Celebrate your seemingly small successes like taking a shower or cleaning the dishes. They are not so small — they require your energy and good health.

October 7

Visualize or draw your support network of friends, family, and health practitioners. If there are places that need more support, think about how you could bring that support into your life.


Mindful Living Calendars

Calm's Mindful Living Calendars offer daily challenges that build upon the lessons and themes presented in the #DailyCalm.

They are available as a desktop wallpaper, a subscription to your default calendar service and a printable PDF. Choose the format that works best for you!

Subscription Calendar
Add Calm's Mindful Living challenges to your calendar here.
{Compatible with Apple, Google, Outlook and Yahoo}


Printable Calendar
Download, print or bookmark the calendar here!  

Make Calm's Mindful Living Calendar your wallpaper on your desktop or tablet. Click on the image below that best matches your desktop or tablet screen resolution. 

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You're joining thousands of people from across the globe in this mindful adventure. Please share your experience and follow other people's journeys using the hashtags #YearOfCalm and #DailyCalm on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and in the Daily Calm Community.


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October's upcoming Daily Calm meditations


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