To rest is to pause, to relax, to recharge. Rest is necessary for our bodies and minds to recover from daily mental and physical activity and stress; to reduce cortisol and adrenaline levels, improving overall well-being; and to be more productive and happy when we return from rest. 

Inspiration for more rest

  • Drink a soothing tea like chamomile, rose, or lemon balm while counting clouds.

  • Schedule in an afternoon nap. There is an entire section of guided audio sessions dedicated to napping in the Calm Sleep Stories tab.

  • Spend time in nature at least once a week. When you’re outdoors, notice all the different shades of green or all the different birdsongs. Be present to the slower pace of falling snow, pooling puddles, a caterpillar making its way.

  • Take 20 deep breaths with the relaxing Calm Breathe Bubble.

  • Take Dr. Alex Pang’s Calm Masterclass called The Power of Rest.


What is one way I could add five minutes of rest to this day?

“If you need to rest, let the earth hold you.”
— Lama Rod Owens

