What is abundance meditation? 10 examples and how to practice it

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Learn what abundance meditation is, including 10 examples of ways to practice. Plus, how to use abundance meditation in your life with a step-by-step guide.

If you’re been thinking about meditating but aren’t sure where to begin, it can be helpful to consider what you hope to gain from a practice. People meditate for all sorts of reasons, and chances are there's a type of meditation to match your personal needs. 

For example, mindfulness meditation can help you get more in tune with yourself, while loving-kindness sessions can help you find self-acceptance (and acceptance for others). For those looking to attract more prosperity and positivity into their life, abundance meditation may be for you.

Abundance meditation—which can include visualization and affirmations—aims to help you adopt a more positive mindset and cultivate a more uplifting day-to-day and long-term outlook. By focusing on how to improve your finances, health, or relationships, you might even open the door to new opportunities.


What is an abundance meditation?

Abundance meditation is a practice designed to help you cultivate a mindset of prosperity. Unlike most meditations, which tend to focus on relaxation and mindfulness, abundance meditation specifically aims to bring in more positive situations and outcomes into your life.

This practice combines techniques like visualization, affirmations, and gratitude to help you focus on all the positive things you desire across various areas of your life. Once you become more comfortable opening up to the possibility of new opportunities, your whole life can change for the better. Get ready!

The purpose of abundance meditation

The main purpose of abundance meditation is to shift your thinking from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance. Seems like common sense, doesn’t it? Let’s unpack what it means.

Having a scarcity mindset, in short, means focusing on what you lack. This way of thinking can make you feel anxious and limited. An abundance mindset, however, encourages you to recognize and appreciate the wealth and opportunities already present in your life. For example, if you’re overly focused on getting out of town, you may miss all of the unique opportunities where you currently live. Another example could be focusing too heavily on seeking a partner that you miss all of the wonderful moments you can experience while you’re single.

Regularly practicing abundance meditation can help you train your mind to expect positive outcomes, which can help you recognize new possibilities as they present themselves and take actions that align with your goals. Whether you’re seeking financial growth, personal development, or stronger relationships, abundance meditation can be the tool you need to achieve prosperity and lead a rich and fulfilling life.


How abundance meditation works

Abundance meditation harnesses the power of the mind to create a more welcoming mental state to attract positivity.

1. Visualization: Imagining yourself accomplishing your goals can reinforce your intentions behind the goal and motivate you to make these visions a reality. For example, if you're aiming for financial success, you might visualize yourself paying off debts or purchasing your dream home. The more vivid and detailed your visualization, the more powerful it can become.

2. Affirmations: Repeating positive statements can help reframe negative thoughts and build your self-worth and confidence. Phrases like, "I am worthy of abundance" or "I attract prosperity in all areas of my life" can help shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

3. Gratitude: Acknowledging and appreciating the abundance you already have may help you attract even more positive experiences into your life. Reflect on what you're grateful for, like your health, relationships, career opportunities, and simple pleasures like a beautiful sunset or a delicious meal.

Benefits of abundance meditation

Although there have been few studies of abundance meditation specifically, there’s a lot of science to back up the benefits of meditation in general. By dedicating just a few minutes each day to meditation, you can start to shift your mindset and enhance many aspects of your life. 

  • Increase positivity: Meditation may increase positivity, making it easier to recognize and seize opportunities.

  • Reduce stress: Meditation has been shown to reduce perceived levels of stress, promoting a sense of wellbeing.

  • Enhance focus: Meditation, alongside visualization and affirmations, may boost your focus in achieving your goals.

  • Strengthen relationships: The boost to your wellbeing that comes from regular meditation may help you to build and maintain positive relationships.


10 examples of abundance meditations

Practicing abundance meditation may help you improve many areas of your life. Before practicing any of the below meditations, find a quiet place to sit, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths.

1. To encourage financial success

Visualize your financial goals. Picture your bank account balance increasing, see yourself paying off debts, or imagine buying your dream home or car. Feel the joy and relief that comes with financial abundance. 

You might try saying, "Money flows easily to me," "I am financially free," or "I deserve wealth and prosperity."

💙 Boost your abundant financial mindset by practicing these 10 tips to improve your financial wellness

2. To encourage personal growth

See yourself becoming the person you want to be through growing in confidence, skills, and knowledge by using affirmations. Picture yourself overcoming challenges and celebrating your achievements.

You might say, "I am growing and improving every day," "I am capable of achieving my dreams," or "I embrace challenges and learn from them."

💙 Use affirmations as a tool for self-expansion and a way to Make Your Garden Grow.

3. To encourage gratitude for what you have

Shift your focus from lack to your health, relationships, career, and any small blessings you experience. Feel gratitude filling your mind and expanding your heart, attracting even more abundance.

Try, "I am grateful for my loving family," "I appreciate my healthy body," or "I am thankful for the opportunities that come my way."

💙 Check out the Gratitude masterclass for help in acknowledging your abundance.

4. To encourage health and wellness

Picture your body strong and vibrant, your mind clear and focused, and your energy levels high. Visualize yourself enjoying exercise, nutritious foods, and prioritizing your wellness.

Try saying, "I am healthy and full of energy," "My body heals and strengthens every day," or "I make choices that support my wellbeing."

💙 Begin your morning with Mel Mah’s Jumpstart Your Day movement sequence to cultivate a healthy body and mindset.

5. To encourage loving relationships

Imagine having loving, supportive, and fulfilling connections with family, friends, and partners. See yourself communicating effectively, sharing joy, and resolving conflicts with ease.

Try saying, "I attract loving and positive people into my life," "My relationships are strong and fulfilling," or "I give and receive love effortlessly."

💙 Work towards the abundant relationships you want to have by exploring 11 relationship goals that can build healthy partnerships.


6. To encourage career success

Imagine getting a promotion, starting a business, or excelling in your current role. Picture yourself being recognized and rewarded for your hard work and talents.

You might say, "I am successful in my career," "Opportunities for growth come to me easily," or "I am recognized for my contributions and skills."

💙 Visualize success while you practice Growth-Setting, in addition to goal-setting, with the Daily Jay. 

7. To encourage abundance for others

See your family, friends, and even strangers experiencing prosperity and happiness. Imagine a world where everyone has what they need.

You might say, "I wish abundance and prosperity for all," "May everyone be blessed with abundance," or "I share my abundance with others."

8. To encourage abundance in the morning 

Visualize the day ahead filled with opportunities, positive interactions, and successful outcomes. Imagine yourself handling any challenges with grace and ease.

You might try saying, "Today is filled with abundance," "I attract positivity and success," or "I am open to the opportunities today brings."

💙 Learn how to set New Routines (and keep them) as you aim to build a new morning meditation habit.

9. To encourage abundance in the evening 

Think about the positive events, interactions, and accomplishments you’ve experienced throughout the day. Express gratitude, and set positive intentions for tomorrow.

You might explore saying, "I am grateful for today’s abundance," "I rest in the knowledge that more abundance is coming," or "I look forward to tomorrow’s opportunities."

💙 Press play on Calm’s 7 Days of Gratitude series for motivation to turn this new practice into a habit.

10. To encourage abundance in nature

When you’re outside, visualize the abundance of nature around you. Pay attention to the trees, the sky, and the earth to feel connected to the natural world and its limitless abundance.

You could say, "I am one with nature’s abundance," "The earth provides me with all I need," or "I draw strength and prosperity from nature."

💙 Follow along with Jay Shetty’s We Are Nature meditation to learn how to live in harmony with the world around you.


How do I use abundance meditation? A step-by-step guide

Aim to practice abundance meditation for 10–15 minutes at the same time each day. Remember that building an abundant mindset is a gradual process — be patient and trust that your efforts will pay off.

Step 1: Make yourself comfortable

Choose a comfortable place where you won't be disturbed, like a quiet room in your house or a peaceful spot in a park. Sit or lie in a comfortable position with your back straight for easy breathing.

How to practice: Close your eyes and inhale slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, then exhale gently through your mouth. This helps to relax your mind and body.

Step 2: Set your intention for the meditation

Decide what your focus will be. You might choose financial success, improved health, stronger relationships, personal growth, or anything else that matters to you.

How to practice: State your intention, either silently or out loud. For example, you could say, "I intend to attract financial abundance," or "I am focusing on enhancing my health and wellbeing."


Step 3: Visualize yourself living more abundantly

Visualize yourself achieving your goals and experiencing abundance in the area you've chosen. Make the image as vivid and detailed as possible.

How to practice: Feel the joy, relief, and satisfaction as if it's happening right now. The more emotions you can associate with your visualization, the more powerful it becomes.

Step 4: Use affirmations to strengthen your practice

Select positive, present-tense statements that reinforce your belief in abundance. Silently or out loud, repeat your chosen affirmations several times. 

How to practice: Believe in the words you're saying. Really feel them and let them sink in before you start the next affirmation.

Step 5: Incorporate gratitude into your practice

Reflect on the abundance you already have in your life, such as health, family, friends, your job, or any other blessings. Silently or out loud, express your gratitude for these things. 

How to practice: You might say "I am grateful for my loving family," or "I appreciate my healthy body." Feeling thankful for the abundance you have may help attract even more abundance into your life.


Abundance meditation FAQs

Can abundance meditation help with financial difficulties?

Abundance meditation can help with financial difficulties by shifting your mindset toward positive thinking, and opening you up to opportunities that can improve your financial situation. This shift can help you stay motivated and proactive, so you can seek out new income sources, better financial management strategies, or career advancements. 

How long does it take to see results from abundance meditation?

The time it takes to see results from abundance meditation can vary. Some people may start noticing changes in their mindset and potentially even new opportunities within a few weeks. For others, it may take a few months or even years. Practice regularly to reinforce positive thinking patterns, and make them part of your daily life to transform your mindset and attract positive outcomes.

Are there any specific times of day that are best for practicing abundance meditation?

You can practice abundance meditation at any time, but some times of day may offer additional benefits.

Meditating in the morning can be energizing and set a positive tone for the rest of your day. You might even feel more motivated to accomplish your goals. 

Meditating in the evening can help you wind down, reflect on the day's events, and express gratitude for the abundance you experienced. It can also help you release any stress or negative thoughts before bed, promoting a restful night's sleep.

And if you feel stressed or overwhelmed during the day, a midday meditation can provide a mental break and help you regain a positive outlook.

Can I combine abundance meditation with other forms of meditation?

Combining abundance meditation with other types of meditation can help make your practice more versatile and effective. Here are some types you might like to try.

  • Mindfulness meditation: Start by calming your mind and focusing on the present. Once you feel centered, transition into abundance meditation by visualizing your goals and repeating affirmations.

  • Loving-kindness meditation: Begin by sending goodwill and positive intentions to yourself and others. Then, shift to abundance meditation, visualizing abundance for yourself and others.

  • Body scan meditation: Relax and release tension from every area of your body. Afterward, move into abundance meditation by visualizing and affirming your goals and desires.

What are some common challenges when starting abundance meditation, and how can I overcome them?

Starting abundance meditation can come with a few challenges, but tackling them can help you achieve your goals and enhance your wellbeing.

  1. Difficulty staying focused: It's natural for your mind to wander during meditation. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the time. If your mind drifts, gently bring your attention back to your visualization, affirmations, or gratitude.

  2. Doubting the effectiveness of the practice: You might feel skeptical about whether abundance meditation will work for you. Keep an open mind and be consistent to give yourself the chance to experience the positive effects.

  3. Finding time to meditate: Set aside a specific time each day, even if it's just for a few minutes. Add meditation into your daily routine, such as first thing in the morning or right before bed.

  4. Feeling impatient for results: Abundance meditation is a gradual process. Focus on the practice itself rather than the outcome.

  5. Dealing with negative thoughts: When negative thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and then gently redirect your focus to your positive visualizations and affirmations.

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