Create new traditions. 

Tip # 7 for the holiday season: Create new traditions. 

Sometimes we do things just because we’ve always done them. Traditions can be both powerful and beautiful but they can also be outdated and unnecessary. It’s good to check in with yourself and other friends and family about your traditions. Do they make you feel grateful, joyful, and peaceful or do they cause stress, strain, and depletion? Maybe it’s time explore new ways of connecting and celebrating with your loved ones? Change takes time and there will no doubt be a handful of different hopes and opinions so it’s good to start to have these conversations early, knowing they may take years to sort out. Perhaps something that you generally find tedious, feels lighter once you understand how much it means to your Grandma. Or perhaps you discover that no one really gets anything out of a particular tradition and you all laugh when you realize that you were all doing it for each other. Most importantly, get to know what everyone values about the holiday and see what creative ideas you come up with to best meet everyone’s needs. And, remember, tradition can be touching and meaningful without being expensive or a lot of work. Today, consider one thing that you would like to let go. Or one tradition you’d like to start for yourself.     

A few new traditions created by the Calm team: 

Christi-an: In the northern hemisphere, I’ve started gathering different people with me each year to celebrate the winter solstice, the longest night. We turn off all the lights and sit together by candlelight, discussing the year past. Then on paper, each of us writes whatever we are ready to release from the year and together, we go outside, and let the pages burn to ash and fly away.

Jade: This year, I am hosting a festive family dinner in my home for the first time. Not only will it feel like relief for family members who always host, but gives me the chance to think about and create my own traditions through the day. Offering this gives me the chance to give back to my family, too.

The Calm Holiday Journal is a mix of practical mindfulness tips and contemplation prompts, and how you use it is up to you.


Be mindful about sugar.


Stay hydrated!