Are you a meta-worrier? Here’s how to know and what to do


Are you worrying about worrying again? For many of us, meta-worry is the culprit behind day-to-day anxiety. Luckily, knowing how to spot and move through it can go a long way to ease your mind.

Meta-worry is when we worry about worry. We convince ourselves all of these swirling thoughts and fears we have will spiral out of control and do us damage. 

Worry is a perfectly natural response to life’s challenges. But when we layer worry on top of worry, ruminating on all the negative ways worry impacts us, it can often be more damaging than whatever made us worried in the first place.

How to Spot Meta-Worry

If you notice the following thoughts pop up, you may be experiencing meta-worry: 

  • “I’m going crazy with worry”

  • “I’m not going to be able to function because of this worry”

  • “I’m going to make myself sick with worry”

  • “I can’t take all this worrying”

Related: Stressed? No Stress. Here Are 5 Ways To Bounce Back From Stressful Moments

How to Tame Meta-Worry

Sound familiar? Here are 4 tips to help keep keep meta-worry in check

1. Verify The Narrative

Notice any stories you’re telling yourself next time you are worrying about something. Get curious: are they actually true?

🔹 Use these meditations to explore the stories you tell yourself and Challenge Your Negative Thinking.

2. Stay Connected

Notice the sensations of the worry in your body, or your feet on the ground, and let that keep you in the here-and-now.

🔹 Try a Body Scan meditation or Tour Your Senses to help you ground and reconnect.

3. Let It Out

Sharing your worries with someone you trust often helps put them in perspective. If you can’t talk to someone, spill your worries onto paper.

🔹 Clarify Your Feelings through Writing in this short practice.

4. Get Moving

Movement helps shift your physical state. Try shaking your body or going for a brisk walk. Whatever encourages you to let go.

🔹 Try a short practice to Shake Off Tension or Walk Away Stress.

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