September's upcoming daily calm meditations

Happy September, everyone!

Are you beginning to feel a hint of change in the air? No matter how old we get, many of us still associate September with the feeling of transition, inspired no doubt by memories of going back to school, starting afresh, and kicking off a new phase. As we wind-down our summers and prepare for fall, there’s often a bit of sweet sadness. We begin to crave comfort, warmth, and stability. It is in these qualities that I found inspiration for many of this month’s Daily Calm sessions. So let me share a sneak peek…

In ‘Sandcastles,’ we’ll be exploring the nature of impermanence as a tool to help us face change. And in ‘Seasons,’ we’ll learn the art of letting go.

A session called ‘Shelter’ examines how our inner calm can protect us when a storm of events shakes our foundation. In ‘Control,’ we discuss the illusion of our command over circumstances, and we explore how to move with the tides rather than against them. And in ‘Self-Soothing,’ we’ll be doing a soothing, inward directed Loving Kindness practice.

Also upcoming this month is a session titled ‘Nests,’ which introduces the art of non-engagement, especially helpful for the overthinkers in the house (raise your hand if you’re with me!).

And since we’re moving into a period when life tends to speed up, the session ‘Being,’ helps remind us of the immense value of giving ourselves permission to stop and just be.

These are just some of the sessions we’ll be releasing this month. There are lots more to look forward to!

I invite you to welcome September with open arms. In moments that feel unstable, may you find groundedness. On days that feel difficult, may you find resilience. In times that feel stormy, may you find a calm, trusting heart.

With much love,



The benefits of mindful eating


Get out of your head and into your life with September's Mindful Living Calendar