Trust is believing someone or something is safe and reliable. It is having faith in goodness and one’s own strength and resilience because we know that we have everything we need to meet each moment. When we are in circumstances that allow us to trust ourselves and others, we move through the world openhearted and unafraid, supported by healthy boundaries and a grounded sense of confidence.
Inspiration for practicing trust
Keep a written list of the qualities you have cultivated and the tools you’ve collected over the years. Use this list as a resource when you could use support making decisions, big and small.
Practice having tough conversations with the people you love.
Be mindful in your relationships. Notice how often someone contributes to your sense of well-being and how often they detract from it. When seeking empathy, go to the friends who have earned your trust by demonstrating their commitment to your well-being.
When making a decision, check with your gut. Notice sensations in your body, and begin to track how they communicate. The 3-minute Body Scan in the Calm app can help you tune into physical sensations to deepen your awareness.
Explore the Calm app’s Relationship With Self series. The first session is Self-trust.
If I fully trusted, what might I dare to do?
““Breathe into this moment and greet the next. Allow each breath to take you from moment to moment.””