How to manage symptoms and find ease after an anxiety attack
Explore what an anxiety attack is, and the 6 symptoms you may feel after having one. Plus, how to ease your body and mind after an anxiety attack.
What causes anxiety tremors (and 6 ways to prevent them)
Discover why anxiety can cause shaking, what triggers these tremors, and techniques to calm them. Plus, how to prevent anxiety tremors with 6 lifestyle changes.
How to stop caffeine jitters: 7 tips to help you calm down
Discover what causes caffeine jitters and the common symptoms to look out for. Plus, how to stop caffeine jitters and tips to help prevent them in the future.
What is oxidative stress? Plus, how to decrease and prevent it
Explore what oxidative stress is and the effects it can have on the body. Plus, how to decrease and prevent oxidative stress with 5 mindful lifestyle tips.
What is progressive muscle relaxation (and how to practice it)
Learn what progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is, including its principles and benefits. Plus, how to practice PMR with 8 steps to ease anxiety and sleep better.
How to stop procrastinating? Try these 7 easy tips
Learn how to stop procrastinating by understanding the reasons why we procrastinate. Plus, procrastination vs laziness & 7 ways to finally stop procrastinating.
Does THC cause anxiety? Effects of THC vs CBD on mental health
Does the THC in cannabis cause anxiety? Explore the possible effects of THC vs CBD on your mental health, and which can cause, or help, your anxiety.
Job loss anxiety: How to handle the stress of losing your job
Job loss anxiety is real. Learn how to handle the anxiety of losing your job and how to move forward with our 8 coping techniques for unemployment stress.
8 tips to help you overcome the fear of being sober
Learn what the fear of being sober, defined as nifaliophobia, is and how it may be impacting your life. Plus, 8 tips to help you overcome the fear of being sober.
What are stress balls (and do they really work)?
Do stress balls really work? Explore what a stress ball is and their benefits as well as limitations. Plus, how to use stress balls for managing anxiety.
How to stop thinking about work all the time: 8 tips for balance
Wonder why you think about work all the time? Learn the common causes and impacts of work-related stress and how to stop thinking about work when you're not there.
Sunlight and anxiety: how the sun can impact mental health
Explore the benefits of sunlight on physical health and how it can impact anxiety and mental health. Plus, 6 tips for integrating more sun into your daily life.
What is scream therapy and does it relieve stress & anxiety?
Scream therapy is all the rage. Explore what scream therapy is, benefits of screaming for stress and anxiety, and how to practice the scream method in 8 steps.
Generalized anxiety disorder: What is it and how to manage it?
Explore what generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is, including symptoms, causes, and how to screen for and diagnose it. Plus, 6 treatment options for managing GAD.
What is hangxiety? How to avoid the dreaded hangover anxiety
Learn what hangxiety is, including why alcohol can cause anxiety, and why some people don't get it. Plus, how to avoid hangxiety or deal with it once it happens.
What is deadline anxiety? Plus, 7 tips to help you deal
Learn what deadline anxiety is, including common symptoms, and 7 tips to help you deal with it. Plus, how to stop procrastinating and avoid the deadline stress.
10 signs you’re in a toxic friendship (and how to end it)
Explore what toxic friendships are, how they affect you and your mental health, and 10 signs you might be in one. Plus, how to end toxic friendships and move on.
How to channel nervous energy? 12 tips to redirect nervousness
Explore what nervous energy is, and how to channel nervous energy effectively. Our 12 tips are here to help you manage and redirect any tension and nervousness.
Stress eating: 5 strategies to overcome emotional eating
Discover what stress eating is, its common causes, and the difference between physical vs. emotional hunger. Plus, 5 strategies to control stress eating.
How to relieve stress quickly (in 10 minutes or less)
Explore what stress is, including the impact of cortisol, and why it's important to reduce it. Plus, how to relieve stress quickly with 10 ways to find calm.