12 essential mindfulness practices for cultivating inner peace

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA
We all crave inner peace but what actually is it and how do we find it? We explore mindfulness practices to help you cultivate peace within yourself.
Inner peace. It sounds like a pipedream, doesn’t it? How is it possible to find an oasis of calm when our lives have become so busy, stressful, and chaotic? But there are some tips and techniques we can all use to tap into that quieter space within ourselves — a space that feels steady and supportive and accessible. You just have to learn how.
What is inner peace?
Inner peace is a state of tranquility where you feel at ease with yourself, others, and the world around you. It's about being fully present and comfortable in your skin. less impacted from anxiety, worry, and stress.
When you experience inner peace, you accept who you are — your strengths, flaws, desires, dreams — everything that makes you uniquely you. You also feel more accepting of the world around you and the situations that are unfolding so you’re less negatively impacted by anxiety, worry, and stress.
Inner peace is essentially equanimity in action.
What is equanimity?
Finding inner peace isn't about brief respites from stress or moments of relaxation. A state of inner peace can be maintained through equanimity. Equanimity is a skill you can learn which helps you keep a calm and balanced state of mind, regardless of the various ups and downs that life throws your way. So, you’re okay if things are okay but you’re also okay if things aren’t feeling okay. Mindfulness is the key.
Inner peace isn't something you wish for. It's something you make, something you do, and something you are.
12 mindfulness tips to help you find inner peace
1. Meditate
Despite being a simple act, meditation can profoundly affect your mental state. It helps cultivate equanimity and a deeper sense of peace.
How to meditate? Find a cozy spot away from the hustle and bustle. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Don't worry about doing it perfectly; a few minutes can make a big difference. Remember, resources like Calm are here to help. We have hundreds of meditations and programs to support you as you build your meditation practice.
2. Live in the present
How often do you find yourself stuck in the past or feeling anxious about the future? If you’re like the rest of us, probably a lot. But as you know, the present moment is all we truly have. Embrace it, live it. Life unfolds in the now.
How to live in the present? When you’re doing day-to-day tasks like eating, walking, or even doing chores, try to fully immerse yourself in the experience. Notice how your surroundings look, sound, smell, and feel. It's like giving your brain a mini-vacation and the effect induces a sense of inner peace.
3. Cultivate a positive mindset
Our minds are powerful things. They can act as our greatest ally or our worst enemy. It's all about the way we use them. When we learn to cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on the good, we start to develop our inner peace.
How to cultivate a positive mindset? Kickstart your day on a positive note. Jot down what you're excited about or what you’re grateful for in a journal. If a negative thought tries to sneak in, cross it out and replace it with something positive.
4. Develop love for yourself
Loving others starts with loving ourselves. That’s not always an easy journey. We get it. But when it comes to inner peace, the aim is to learn to appreciate who you are, cherish your strengths, and embrace your flaws. You are uniquely you, and that's something to celebrate.
How to develop love for yourself? Take a moment to write down what you love about yourself. If you hit a speed bump or two, imagine your best friend. What would they say they love about you?
5. Practice self-care
Taking care of our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. Don't forget to set aside time for yourself every day. Not only do you deserve it, it’s also an important way to cultivate self-love that leads to inner peace.
How to practice self-care? Schedule in some 'you-time.' Yes, that means put it in the calendar and stick to it! Spend the time on whatever you like — a thrilling novel, a soothing bath, a peaceful walk in nature, or even some relaxing yoga.
6. Visualize a peaceful place
Visualizing a happy or peaceful place engages your mind in a positive and calming way, acting as a form of mental escape from stressors and fostering a sense of inner peace.
How to visualize your peaceful place? Close your eyes and think of a place where you feel utterly at peace. It could be a beach, a forest, or even a memory. What do you see, hear, or smell? When stress starts to creep in, visit this place in your mind.
7. Learn to breathe effectively
Sounds silly, right? But most of us don't use our breath to its full potential. Deep, conscious breathing can have a profoundly calming effect. In moments of stress or anxiety, take a few moments to focus on your breath. You’ll soon notice that you can rely on your breath to cultivate inner peace.
How to breathe effectively? Breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold. Do this at your own pace. This can be your pause button whenever you feel like the world is spinning too fast.
8. Access nature
Nature has a soothing mental effect. Spend some time connecting with nature to instill a sense of peace within. Don’t worry about doing anything too adventurous, you can keep it super simple and still get the benefits.
How to access nature? Stroll in the park, do some gardening, or watch the clouds float by. Nature soundscapes like Yosemite National Park and Sea of Thieves: Shores of Plenty are a great way to bring nature to you.
9. Be grateful
Gratitude can shift your focus from what's missing in your life to what you already have. It’s a fast-track to inner peace. Make a daily habit of noting down things you're grateful for. Focusing on the good stuff can change how we look at our entire day.
How to be grateful? Write down three things that brought you joy today. They could be as simple as a delicious meal or a good laugh.
💙 If you’re struggling to think of anything, try Unwind with Gratitude with Mel Mah.
10. Work on acceptance
Life is full of uncertainties and elements we can't control. Try acknowledging things as they are rather than how you wish they were. That doesn't mean being passive or giving up, but rather recognizing the reality of the situation and working with it rather than against it.
How to work on acceptance? Next time life throws you a curveball, try to let your feelings come and go without judgment. Sometimes, accepting a situation can take away its power over us.
11. Practice non-judgement
This is about learning to observe your thoughts and emotions without labeling them as 'good' or 'bad.' By practicing non-judgment, you create space for acceptance and inner peace.
How to practice non-judgement? When you catch yourself being judgmental, remember it's just a thought. It'll pass just like a cloud in the sky.
💙 Need a hand? Try Non-Judgment with Tamara Levitt.
12. Foster deeper connections
Cultivate relationships that feed your soul. Spend time with people who uplift you and bring you peace. That doesn't mean you should avoid all challenging relationships but try to have a strong support network of positive and supportive individuals.
How to foster deeper connections? Call up a friend or spend time with family members that make you feel seen and supported. Be present in those interactions. These moments of togetherness can bring us peace in ways we might not realize.
💙 For help with mindful friendships, listen to Meaningful Practice for Meaningful Friendships with Kate Johnson.
Remember, these tips are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Take what resonates with you, experiment, and find your unique path to inner peace. We’re here to help. From guided meditations that help you cultivate equanimity, to soothing soundscapes that transport you to your happy place, to breathing exercises that help you harness the power of your breath - we're with you every step of the way.
Inner peace FAQs
What does inner peace mean?
Inner peace is a deep state of calm, acceptance, and contentment. It means being in harmony with yourself, others, and the world around you. It's not about eliminating challenges or difficulties but navigating through them with a tranquil and accepting mind.
Where do I find my inner peace?
Inner peace isn't something you can find externally; it's something you cultivate within yourself. It's about acknowledging and accepting your thoughts and emotions, living fully in the present, and adopting practices that nurture your wellbeing. It can be as simple as taking a few moments each day to focus on your breath, express gratitude, or enjoy a quiet walk in nature.
What is an example of inner peace?
Imagine facing a challenging situation - perhaps a stressful day at work or an argument with a loved one. Instead of reacting impulsively or letting anxiety take over, you take a deep breath, acknowledge your emotions, and approach the situation calmly and objectively. This ability to maintain a state of calm and balance, even in difficult circumstances, is an example of inner peace.
One mindful moment at a time, inner peace is within your reach.
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