Can Ozempic really change your personality? What science actually says

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Explore the phenomenon of "Ozempic personality," how GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic can impact your mood, behavior, and mental health, and what the science actually says about it.

If you’ve been online anytime in the last few months, you’ve probably heard of Ozempic (semaglutide). While Ozempic is a medication primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes in adults, it’s also recently been added to the list of medications used to help people lose weight and maintain a more balanced weight long-term.

There are some common physical side effects of Ozempic, like nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea, but there are some emotional and behavioral side effects as well. Some users talk about changes in their overall personality while taking the drug, describing feelings of irritability, mood swings, or just not feeling like themselves. This particular side effect has led to the term “Ozempic personality” being used in the media.

If you're taking Ozempic or a similar GLP-1 drug and have noticed changes in how you feel emotionally or mentally, you're not alone. Many people experience similar side effects when they drastically change their diet or start losing weight, so it’s important to note that this shift in mood may be less about the type of medication and more about the quick change in what you’re eating and how much of it.  The good news is that these shifts in mood and behavior are usually temporary and there are ways to manage it. Here’s what you need to know.


What is “Ozempic personality” (and is it real)?

The term “Ozempic personality” refers to the idea that people who take Ozempic or similar GLP-1 drugs might experience changes in their mood or behavior, leading to so-called shifts in the person’s personality

Some users report feeling more irritable, less patient, or emotionally flat. And while it might feel unsettling, it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean the medication is fundamentally altering your personality. Instead, these shifts might be related to the changes in your eating habits, mood regulation, or how your brain responds to the drug.

While research is still limited when it comes to GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic, clinical experience shows that significant changes in diet can affect both your mood and cognitive function. In other words, you’re not changing as a person. Instead, your mental and emotional state could be temporarily affected by the changes happening in your body.


5 observed characteristics of Ozempic personality

People who report experiencing Ozempic personality often note having emotional or behavioral changes. Though these changes can vary between different people, there are several that are more common. 

  1. Increased irritability: Getting frustrated or upset more easily than usual

  2. Emotionally flat: Being emotionally numb, like going through the motions without feeling much

  3. Lower energy or motivation: Feeling less enthusiastic about things they usually love

  4. Anxiety: A heightened sense of worry or nervousness

  5. Difficulty focusing: Finding it harder to concentrate or think clearly


How can GLP-1 drugs affect mental health? What doctors say

While there isn’t a lot of scientific research specifically on this topic yet, doctors and experts believe these changes aren’t actually altering your personality. Instead, they may be a side effect of how GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic work. 

With rapid weight loss or a drastic reduction in how much you eat, you may feel kind of weird mentally and emotionally. The amount of food you eat (and the type) plays a role in your energy levels and mood, so it’s likely that “Ozempic personality” is the result of a decrease in food intake and not a permanent personality change.

Clinical evidence from bariatric surgery and other weight-loss treatments suggests this is partly due to how the brain and body adapt to fewer calories. When your body adjusts to eating less and losing weight quickly, your mood and energy levels may shift.

If you notice your mood shifts are lasting longer than expected or are particularly intense, talk to your doctor. They can help assess the situation, adjust your treatment plan if needed, and offer guidance on how best to manage these side effects.

Appetite suppression can lead to mood changes: When your brain doesn’t get the usual amount of energy from food, it can lead to irritability, mood swings, and brain fog. This is common with any strict diet, and your brain may take time to adjust.

Eating less can affect your brain function: Without a regular supply of nutrients, your brain may struggle to maintain its usual mental sharpness, causing difficulty concentrating, remembering, or thinking clearly.

Rapid weight loss may cause hormonal shifts: As you lose weight, especially quickly, your body may produce less estrogen and testosterone. These hormones help regulate mood and energy, so when their levels drop, you might feel irritable, tired, or emotionally flat.

Weight loss can trigger your body’s stress response: The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is your body’s stress-response system, can be activated by significant weight loss. This can lead to anxiety, restlessness, or feelings of unease as your body adjusts to changes in metabolism and energy levels.

Mood changes are usually temporary: Most studies show that mood changes like anxiety, irritability, or fatigue are likely to fade as your body adapts to the medication and weight loss stabilizes.


How to manage mood changes from Ozempic and similar drugs: 8 tips

If you’re experiencing mood swings, irritability, or feeling mentally off while taking Ozempic or another GLP-1 drug, there are ways to help improve your emotional wellbeing and feel more like yourself again.

1. Eat regular, balanced meals to up your energy levels

Even though Ozempic helps suppress your appetite, it’s important to eat regular, balanced meals. Skipping meals or not eating enough can make mood swings and irritability worse because your brain isn’t getting the fuel it needs to function properly.

Even if you’re not feeling particularly hungry, eat small, balanced meals throughout the day. Focus on nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains for long-lasting energy that supports both your body and your brain. 

The way you eat can also positively affect your mental health. Explore these 11 tips for practicing mindful eating.

💙 Learn more about the Benefits of Mindful Eating with Tamara Levitt’s Mindful Eating Series.

2. Move your body regularly to boost your mood

Exercise is one of the best ways to lift your mood and combat feelings of sluggishness, because it can increase the production of mood-boosting chemicals in the brain. 

You don’t have to do intense workouts to get the benefits. Try short walks, yoga, or stretching. Regular movement can help reduce feelings of anxiety or irritability and boost your energy, making it easier to get through the day feeling balanced and well.

💙 Try Walk Away Stress, a guided exercise to help you find peace and boost your mood and overall wellbeing.

3. Prioritize sleep to help combat mood swings

Lack of sleep can make irritability and mood swings much worse than usual and can also affect your ability to focus and think clearly. Aim for 7–8 hours of sleep each night, and create a calming bedtime routine to help you wind down. Turn off screens, read a book, or practice relaxation exercises before bed. 

Good sleep hygiene can help improve your mood and help your body adjust to the changes Ozempic is causing. Learn what sleep hygiene is and five tips to use it for better sleep.

💙 Set your phone aside and ease into sleep with Mel Mah’s Peaceful Sleep meditation.

4. Stay hydrated to maintain your energy levels

Since your food intake might be reduced on Ozempic, it’s easy to forget to drink enough water throughout the day. And dehydration can make fatigue, irritability, and brain fog much worse.

Sip water regularly throughout the day. If plain water doesn’t appeal to you, add some fruit slices for flavor or sugar-free electrolytes. Staying hydrated supports your brain function and can help ease some of the mental and emotional side effects of weight loss medications.

💙 Continue your understanding of eating (and drinking) to fuel your body and mind with Tamara Levitt’s Mindful Eating Practice.


5. Practice mindfulness and meditation everyday 

Mindfulness techniques—like meditation, deep breathing or focusing on the present moment—can help calm your mind and give you a break from overwhelming emotions. Here are 10 mindfulness exercises you can add to your daily routine. These practices can help you manage stress, anxiety and irritability. 

💙 If you’re new to meditation check out Jeff Warren’s Mindfulness for Beginners course to build a daily practice. 

6. Be honest with your doctor about how you’re feeling

If mood changes are affecting your quality of life in significant ways, talk to your doctor. They can help assess whether these feelings are directly related to the medication and may adjust your treatment plan if needed. 

Sometimes a lower dosage or a different approach to weight loss can ease the side effects, or they may refer you to a mental health professional if necessary.

7. Build a support system with people you can trust

If you’re experiencing mood changes or struggling emotionally while taking Ozempic, talk about your feelings with a friend, family member, or counselor. Sometimes just sharing what you’re going through can help you feel less alone and make it easier to manage emotional ups and downs. Plus, everyone needs a venting session with people they can trust from time to time.

Here are eight  ways to connect emotionally with people in your life.

💙 Learn to nurture your relationships with guidance from the Daily Jay’s Mindful Friendships session.

8. Be kind to yourself — always

Your body and mind are going through significant changes, so give yourself permission to rest when needed. And don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re not feeling 100%. Take small steps to find balance, or create new balance with new routines, and care for yourself each day, knowing it will improve over time.

Begin your self-care practice with these 20 suggestions.

💙 Encourage your appreciation for yourself and life to flourish with our 7 Days of Gratitude series led by Tamara Levitt.


Ozempic personality FAQs

Can Ozempic cause long-term personality changes?

There’s no evidence to suggest that Ozempic or other GLP-1 drugs cause permanent changes to your personality. What many people experience are temporary shifts in mood, energy, or emotional responses because the drugs suppress appetite and that leads to weight loss. When your body adjusts to eating less, your brain might receive fewer signals related to hunger, satisfaction, and reward. This can lead to feeling irritable, emotionally flat, or mentally foggy for a while. 

However, these changes aren’t permanent. As your body adapts to the medication and stabilizes its weight loss, these mood shifts typically improve. Your personality—the essence of who you are—remains unchanged. 

If you feel you’re experiencing ongoing emotional difficulties, talk to your doctor. They can help you determine whether the medication is the cause (or not), and adjust your treatment if needed.

Are there any natural ways to manage the emotional side effects of GLP-1 medications?

One of the most effective strategies is to focus on your diet. Even though these medications reduce your appetite, make sure you’re still eating regular, balanced meals that include a variety of nutrients. Try nutrient-dense foods like leafy greens, lean proteins, fruits, and whole grains to help support your brain and body, and reduce feelings of irritability or brain fog. And take time to learn more about the importance of mindful eating.

Regular exercise can release natural mood-enhancing chemicals which can help reduce anxiety or feelings of sluggishness. Try a simple daily walk to feel the difference. 

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, can also help calm your mind and manage stress. Practice these regularly, as they can help you feel more centered and less affected by mood swings.

How does Ozempic affect people with a history of depression or anxiety?

If you have a history of depression or anxiety, approach Ozempic with caution and keep close communication with your doctor. While Ozempic itself doesn’t specifically cause mental health conditions, the changes in appetite, weight, and decrease in energy levels can sometimes affect mood. For someone with a history of depression or anxiety, these effects might feel more pronounced.

Reduced appetite and rapid weight loss can sometimes lead to emotional side effects like irritability, emotional numbness, or anxiety. These reactions may be temporary, but always be mindful of any changes in your mental health. If you notice an increase in anxiety, depression, or other emotional symptoms while on Ozempic, reach out to your healthcare provider. They may suggest adjusting your dosage or offer other support to help manage your mental health while using the medication.

Should I stop taking Ozempic if I notice mood changes?

If you notice mood changes while taking Ozempic, don’t stop the medication on your own. Stopping suddenly without medical guidance may cause other side effects or affect your progress. 

Instead, talk to your doctor about your mood changes — they’ll assess whether the medication is the cause and may adjust your treatment plan. They might suggest lowering the dosage, changing the timing of your doses, or adding nutritional or lifestyle adjustments to help manage your mood. 

Mood changes are usually temporary as your body adjusts to the medication, so work with your healthcare provider to balance your physical and mental wellbeing while taking Ozempic.

Can meditation help reduce anxiety or irritability caused by weight loss drugs like Ozempic?

Meditation can be a helpful tool for managing anxiety or irritability that may arise while taking weight-loss drugs like Ozempic. 

Meditation, mindfulness, and breathing exercises are known to help reduce stress and calm the mind. When practiced regularly, these techniques can help you feel more grounded and less reactive to the emotional ups and downs that might occur as your body adjusts to changes in appetite and weight.

You don’t need to spend hours meditating — take 5–10 minutes a day for simple breathing exercises, where you focus on slow, deep breaths to help relax your body and mind. Over time, practicing mindfulness can help you manage feelings of irritability or anxiety, giving you a sense of control over your emotional state during the weight loss process.

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Images: Getty


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