Courage is open-hearted bravery. It is when we feel frightened but still act in a way that aligns with our personal truth. It requires that we tap into our inner strength and our vulnerability.
Inspiration for practicing courage
Check with your body often, and tune your ability to distinguish excitement in the unknown from true danger warnings.
Make a plan to try a thing that scares you a little.
Make a plan to try a thing that scares you a lot.
Practice being vulnerable with someone you trust.
Reach out for support with something that evokes feelings of vulnerability.
Volunteer to help someone else with something they find frightening.
Try the Risk meditation in the Relationship with Self series and the Creative Living Beyond Fear Calm Masterclass
Where in my life am I already being brave?
““When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.””