Honesty is telling the truth and conducting oneself with integrity. When we’re honest with ourselves and others, we experience alignment in what we say and what we do and what we believe, and that is a beautiful way to live.
Inspiration for practicing honesty
When someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do and you feel yourself about to say ‘yes’ anyway, pause. Notice the sensations in your body. And if you’re able, say ‘no’ instead. If you feel you must say ‘yes’, the pause first will allow you to do so intentionally.
Listen to the Worry session in the Calm Breaking Habits Series. Often, we avoid truth because we are nervous it won’t be welcome. Easing our worries can help.
Catch yourself in white lies and say something true.
To better know your own truth, spend time alone with your thoughts each day. Thirty minutes of solitude is an excellent daily practice but even just three minutes can be beneficial for developing strong self-awareness. Listen to the Calm Light meditations if you’d like gentle guidance.
Where in my life do I notice myself not being honest (with myself or others)?
““Every time you tell the truth it clears the field for other people to tell the truth.””