What is behavior modification? Plus, 5 techniques to create change
Explore what behavior modification is, including its origins, applications, and criticisms. Plus, 5 techniques to help you change your unhelpful patterns.
How to know if person-centered therapy is right for you
Learn about the origins of person-centered therapy, its possible benefits, and what to expect from a session. Plus, 5 things to consider before you try it.
How to handle commitment issues in a relationship
Learn what commitment issues are, including 7 signs to help you spot them. Plus, how to deal with commitment issues (yours or someone else's) in relationships.
Are daddy issues really a thing? Here’s what you need to know
Yep, daddy issues are a thing! Explore what causes these issues, the symptoms and potential treatment options, and how to help a partner with daddy issues.
15 mindful tips and techniques for overcoming adversity
Discover what adversity is and what may cause it in your life. Plus, 15 mindful tips and techniques for how to overcome adversity during challenging times.
What is sublimation in psychology? Plus, 6 examples
Learn about sublimation in psychology, including key studies and how it can act as a defense mechanism. Plus, 6 examples of sublimation in daily life.
How to motivate yourself: 12 tips for when you lack motivation
Discover the factors that might cause you to have a lack of motivation. Plus, how to motivate yourself with 12 tips to help you get back on track.
Hustle culture impacting your mental health? Here’s how to deal
Learn what hustle culture is, including common signs and the negative impact it can have on mental health. Plus, how to deal with hustle culture at work.
What is generational trauma? Plus, how to identify and manage it
Explore what generational trauma is, including what causes it and examples of what it can look like. Plus, how to identify and manage generational trauma.
Milieu therapy: what it is, how it works, and what to expect
Learn what milieu therapy is, including the best candidates for it, benefits, and how it works. Plus, what to expect, and consider, before doing milieu therapy.
11 signs of emotional maturity (and how to become more mature)
Learn what emotional maturity is, including its signs and what immaturity looks like. Plus, how to become more emotionally mature and increase your wellbeing.
What is fanxiety? How to deal with stress on game day
Is your stomach in knots on game day? You’re not alone. Learn what fanxiety is, plus 6 mindful tips and techniques to help you cope.
What is dismissive-avoidant attachment? Plus, how to deal with it
Learn what dismissive-avoidant attachment is, its traits, causes, and possible impacts. Plus, how to deal with a partner with this attachment style.
7 signs you might have an inferiority complex (and how to cope)
Learn what an inferiority complex is, including the common causes and signs you might have one. Plus, how mindfulness can help you cope with an inferiority complex.
How to learn something new every day: 7 tips for a curious mind
Discover 7 ways to learn something new every day. Plus, how to absorb new information daily to cultivate a curious mind.
Can power poses actually boost your mental health?
Discover what power poses are, including the different types and possible benefits for mental health. Plus, how and when to use power poses in your daily life.
How to get over that “I don’t want to go to work” feeling
Don’t want to go to work? Explore the reasons why you might have this normal feeling and how to get over it — or at least work through it to find balance.
Feeling sorry for yourself? Here’s how to stop the self-pity party
We all feel sorry for ourselves sometimes. But wallowing in self-pity can often make things worse. The next time self-pity strikes, try these 10 empowering tips.
"Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good": 7 tips for perfectionists
Learn where "perfect is the enemy of good" originated and why perfectionism can keep you from attaining your goals. Plus, how to be more fluid about perfectionism.
What is self-actualization? Plus, 10 examples you can try today
Explore what self-actualization is according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Plus, 10 examples of self-actualization you can practice to improve your wellbeing.