Resources Calm Editorial Team Resources Calm Editorial Team

July 2023 Calm Calendar: all the feels

The Calm Calendar is an invitation to meet your life with presence and curiosity. Our daily prompts serve as tiny experiments to learn more about yourself and the world through the lens of mental health, mindfulness, and wellbeing. This July, the theme is “Feel”. We invite you to make space for, connect with, and learn from your feelings.

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Resources Calm Editorial Team Resources Calm Editorial Team

June 2023 Calm Calendar: small shifts to help you thrive

The Calm Calendar is an invitation to meet your life with presence and curiosity. Our daily prompts serve as tiny experiments to learn more about yourself and the world through the lens of mental health, mindfulness, and wellbeing. This June, the theme is “Thrive”. We invite you to explore what thriving means to you, and all the ways you can access it in your life.

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Calm Editorial Team Calm Editorial Team

The secrets to managing work stress like a boss

We can’t escape the stress of work, but we can learn to manage it better. We explore the two types of work stress (you have control over one of them) and offer solutions for in-the-moment stress, as well as proactive tools.

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Resources Calm Editorial Team Resources Calm Editorial Team

May 2023 Calm Calendar: let curiosity lead the way

The Calm Calendar is an invitation to meet your life with presence and curiosity. Our daily prompts serve as tiny experiments to learn more about yourself and the world through the lens of mental health, mindfulness, and wellbeing. This May, the theme is “Explore”. We invite you to let curiosity lead the way as you explore different elements of your life and practice.

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Calm Editorial Team Calm Editorial Team

How to get stress on-side with science (& the 3 As of befriending stress)

We all know that stress can have a negative effect on our mental and physical health, but what if stress isn’t all bad? In fact, what if we told you that stress, in some forms, is actually good for you? And that our perception of stress may actually be the thing stressing us out the most.

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Resources Calm Editorial Team Resources Calm Editorial Team

April 2023 Calm Calendar: growth happens one small step at a time

The Calm Calendar is an invitation to meet your life with presence and curiosity. Our daily prompts serve as tiny experiments to learn more about yourself and the world through the lens of mental health, mindfulness, and wellbeing. This March, the theme is “Grow”. Explore all the areas of your life you’d like to grow. Remember, growth happens one small step at a time.

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Sleep, Resources Calm Editorial Team Sleep, Resources Calm Editorial Team

The Sleep Superpower Playbook: Harness The Secrets, Science & Superpowers of Sleep To Support Your Mental Health

In honor of World Sleep Day, we created this free, downloadable guidebook to help you turn sleep into your superpower.

It includes some essential sleep science (since few of us learned any of this in school), tips and techniques, as well as answers to common questions that may come up on your journey to better sleep.

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Sleep Calm Editorial Team Sleep Calm Editorial Team

What’s your sleep language? Presenting ‘The 5 Languages of Sleep’ with clinical sleep psychologist, Dr. Shelby Harris

Gifted, Words of Worry, Routine Perfectionist, Too Hot To Handle, or Light As A Feather. Discover your Sleep Language and how to harness the benefits of your unique sleep profile to live your happiest, healthiest life.

Together with clinical sleep psychologist, Dr. Shelby Harris, we present ‘The 5 Languages of Sleep’ along with sleep tips, ideal sleep scenarios, and content to support a restful night’s sleep.

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